
    7L-Tron Product Suite

    We offer diverse filter-assisted solutions for our partners serving customers resorting to Phase 7L architecture for their mobile products.  The product suite provides wafer-level packaged filters and duplexers for seamless integration with modules that demand high performance and small form factors at low, mid, and high bands. The product suite comes with sophisticated models for the design-in processes of our customers and reference designs for turn-key assimilation into widely available commercial package processes. 

    5N-Tron Product Suite

    We offer a one-stop filter-driven solution for our customers resorting to Phase 5N architecture for their mobile products.  The product suite meets both transceiver side filter needs as well as diversity/MIMO side receiver demands. The suite also provides a holistic solution to low-band, mid-high band, and ultra-high-band filtering. Discrete chip-scaled packaged duplexers and TRx filters are the solutions for transceivers, while Diversity modules that cover the same bands offer expandability to high-order MIMO systems.